Saturday 26 March 2011

Almost the END

It is almost over... I have like 2 weeks left to enjoy India.
Some people say that all the things come to an End. I strongly disagree with that.

My staying in India is maybe over but what I was trying to leave here is something that will last forever. I devoted my time to teaching about Jesus Christ. I had so many different opportunities to do that. In groups and in 1 on 1 discipleship :)
I tried to apply Jesus Christ in many ways. While training kids soccer, conversations with random guys, meetings, gatherings, lectures in the University where I taught about self-improvement. I wish I could do more because when I examine myself I see that I missed so many opportunities, I wasted lots of time, I didn't put every effort all the time.
The question is not "did I influence someone"? The question I need to ask is following: " did people that listened to me, observed my life influence by God? " Because it is all about Him and for His glory!

I cannot extend my visa I can't stay any longer. I am going to different place to continue to share about Jesus Christ. The door in India for me are almost closed.

Some random pics just for You! Enjoy.
A Youth meeting in one of the churches. We learned how to live in the "outside" world not denying Jesus Christ.

Hahaha Jaysilan and Sam. Can you imagine that it was their first time in life in Mcdonalds? They didn't know how to eat burgers - so funny!

Me and Pastor of the church where we stayed. A faithful man. Despite many problems with persecution the church can meet and grow.

Teaching in the youth meeting

Kids!!! Every day after school they come to the church and they do homework! Very impressive!!

One of the soccer games. Too bad that our team lost again!

Sunday service. Worship time. Crazy!

Ladies performance! A beautiful worship song!

Trying to smile! :)

The female side of the church.

Mama (in white) with the Bble. A pastors wife

The male side in the neighbour church!

Joshua and Joshua - junior :)

House visiting

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