Monday 14 February 2011

Leadership School

Taking up the cross - literally!
 The time spend in the Leadership School was a blessing.
God changed many lifes here. Leaders from South Asia gathered together to be trained and to grow in Christ. At the end it was amazing to see people from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Butan, North-East India, South India, Romania and finally from Poland. God gave a new vision, resources, skills, partnerships, a new experience, new ideas, new passion to serve the Lord. He re-ignite the fire to serve Him. These people will surely become a great blessings when they come back to their communities.
It was the privelage to be there and experience all these things, building each other, sharing my faith, helping people solving life issues, helping them to find Jesus Christ, to find God's will.

It is an honor and a responsability to be a witness of what God is doing !!! Glory to the King of Kings !

Below there are some pics :)