Tuesday 7 December 2010

Training is OVER!

Arkadiy with his Son and me :)
 The training in Odessa is over!
3 months spent in Odessa was the best time in my life! I want to give glory to God because what He had done in us!

1 Corinthians 15,10:
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me."

Sharing the testimony what God did in my life during the training
God gave me too much! Through lessons, through people in Odessa God gave me something that I did't deserve! A deeper relationship with Him, understanding of many things and a new desire to serve Him.

And that is God. He loves people and He gives us something what we don't deserve. This is his Amazing Grace and when I am writing this post I am thinking: "God! Why You are doing it? Who am I?"

I am back at Radom, Poland now. I'll write something more in few days!!

Sunday 21 November 2010

the Gospel on the streets of Yalta

Students from the Seaside Missionary Training Center in Yalta and their translators:
In the back: Pasza - the tallest guy (translator)
Vali, Dima, Sergiey, Sylwia, Ania, Me :)
Alyona, Susza, Oksana ( 3 translators), Marina
Anton, Edyta

This my team giving a report and sharing what happened in the streets,
We tried to encourage other people.
Jesus touched many hearts this day, also mine.
Me, Russlan ( my translaor) and Swetuana ( my trainer )
This is the classroom. And all the students who took the course.
We worked for all day, learning and preaching the Gospel.
Usually classes were from 8.30 am to 10 pm every day. The whole week!!!
Thanks God for grace and strength.
Last week was one of the best weeks ever in my whole life. Yalta, Ukraine is a small city by the Back Sea full of tourists. I've been studying there with other students how to share the Gospel on the streets. By God's grace many, many, LOTS OF people in the streets of Yalta heard the Gospel. It is true that Jesus is alive and is changing peoples lifes. Many of people were touched by the word of God!!!!
God is merciful!!!!

Thursday 21 October 2010

God works in Ukraine!!!

It is amazing that I can be a witness of God's work in Odessa. The Seaside Missionary Training Center shapes ministry skills, develop knowledge about God and encourage, motivate to serve Christ with passion. I am thankful to God that I can observe how the Holy Spirit changes lifes in students while preparing for a mission. But there is more than that.
I can be a part of it!!!

I am one of the students in SMTC in Odessa. Please pray for me that I will deliver the Gospel to people wherever I will go.